Well my kid went to school today, and he asked me to charge his ISamsing Galazy, no problem. Yet I just heard the click, the battery needs charging, I looked in the drawer, leads for I pads, iPhones, shavers and all sorts, but I can't find the lead that charges his " Samsung Galazy" ....I love that boy, and isn't it crazy if I don't find that charger, when he comes home from school, even if I give him his favorite classic white Mini magnum choclate bar he will be angry.
Is this anger justified? It's life, modern life, and I think it justified. He loves putting on his Samsung Galazy, and watching his favorite you tuber, " Dan" before we talk about his day.
What have I learnt from this? Well the trick is, each individual should be allowed to do what they want, and as a parent I think " You Tuber" " Dan" is great for my boy, and he enjoys it. We don't own our children.
Anyway now I don't make my child go to J.W meetings because it's expected from the congregation he do so. I respect he deserves alone time, to be Orlando. Most importantly if I promise my boy I will charge his Galazy tablet, I should do it. A promise is a promise.
My point of the post is, my boy may come home from school and say it doesn't matter I didn't charge his Galazy tablet? But it does matter. Why? Because now we have more diplomacy in our home, family decisions, not watchtower decisions, are made, and therefore I am learning, functional families argue about the silliest of things, and those silly petty arguments like you don't kick a football in the hallway, are more fun than you can't go to football tonight it's family bible study.
The Rebel.